
“Trust not too rashly to face an index of an inward grace,” W. Hollar engraving from 18th-Century edition of Aesop’s Fables.

Also see our introduction: “Why radio, why now?

Frequency and Amplitude provides a rundown of some of what can be found on the NYC-area analog radio dial. We make no claim to be comprehensive. We don’t have the resources. This is a “labor of love” (if you define love as irrational dedication to something like radio). As we move forward, we are hoping to shore up some of our weak points; site design, lack of sports radio coverage, and other things.

We are looking for interesting writing about the radio and program reviews. Send queries, pics of radios and info about interesting programming to freq-amp@protonmail.com

Frequency and Amplitude was compiled and edited by Rico Cleffi. Contributors as of December, 2020 include Dick Alexander, Camila Bernieri, Brendan Byrne, Rico Cleffi, Lucy Culpepper, Amira V Moor, Jim Rawls, Peter Rugh and Steve Sandy. Uncredited posts are generally written by the editor.

Cover image taken from Broadcasting magazine, February 15, 1938. Archived at https://worldradiohistory.com/

An introduction: Why radio, why now?

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